Warranties aren’t something you have to deal with on a regular basis. In fact, you may try to avoid understanding them at all. When you get a new roof, however, the warranty it comes with is very important. Roofing systems aren’t cheap and you want to know everything you can about the included protection. If anything goes wrong you’ll need to know what the warranty covers and what it doesn’t. There are many different warranties and they all cover different things. Here are a few things to know about roofing warranties.
Material Warranties
If there are any defects with the materials themselves, this type of warranty will cover them. You will likely get a material replacement at no charge if there is something wrong with the shingles or other roofing items you choose.
Manufacturer Warranty
The manufacturer also protects you against defects from the items you purchase for your roof. If anything is defective or breaks down faster than it should, the manufacturer may provide you with a replacement at no charge. These warranties don’t always cover labor, however.
Workmanship Warranty
Most trusted roofing contractors will offer you a warranty on their workmanship. This covers anything which occurs because of an installation problem. They will come back and fix it at no cost to you. Sometimes it will be hard for you to tell where the issue lies, whether it’s a product defect or an installation issue. The honest roofing contractor will tell you and get to the bottom of the issue.
Warranty Length
You will also want to know how long the warranties are in effect–none of them last forever. There are certain warranties that exclude certain things. You need to know what is covered and for how long and what, if anything, is prorated. All of the warranty details should come to you in writing. Review it before the roofing system gets installed so you know what to expect. If you have any questions, ask your contractor to clarify so you have complete knowledge before the process begins.
When you are ready to get a new roof or have questions about the warranty on your current roof contact Moore and Sons Roofing. We’re certified roofing contractors and understand roofing lingo and work with warranty information on a daily basis. We’re happy to help in any way.