When you are looking for a local roofing contractor, there are options in Grand Rapids, MI. You know it’s good to go with a local roofing contractor, but which one is best? Moore and Sons Roofing is the perfect match for a number of reasons. Here are just a few.
Reason 1: A Unique History
Moore and Sons Roofing is a family owned business that has been passed down for generations. The Moore family isn’t just good at roofing—roofing is in their blood. They care about their family business and they are a local roofing contractor who lives and works among you…and has for years. You can have peace of mind with this kind of history and background. They have a proven track record and learn the business from birth.
Reason 2: Local Roofing Contractor = Local Supplies
When you go with a local roofing contractor like Moore and Sons Roofing, you’re also guaranteeing that you’re using local suppliers. Local contractors have connections with local people, which only goes further to boost the economy in your community. Supporting local businesses goes a long way to ensuring your family and the lifestyle you want are prospering right here in Grand Rapids, MI.
Reason 3: Your Community is Their Community
Using a local roofing contractor is like asking a neighbor to come over and help you with something. Only you get experience and years of proven work from your local roofing contractor. Moore and Sons Roofing is filled with people who literally live, work, and even play around you in Grand Rapids, MI. They want the best for your roofing project because they are your neighbor. You might very well see them in the grocery store!
Start Local
Whether you need small repairs, a whole new roof, or a simple assessment after a storm, Moore and Sons Roofing is here to help. We are fully licensed and insured and a BBB accredited business. There’s no job that is too big or too small for us. Give us a call and we’ll get on the project right away!